michaeladams.org / Photos
My 21st Party
My 21st Party
Better late than never!

Thanks to all those who came to my 21st. I had an awesome time and I'm hearing a lot of tales of tired peoples the morning after. Enjoy the photos!



... and more balloons...

... and mad ballon boxing!...

... and magic dissapearning Lucy's...

... levitating Lucy's... (Ben... what're your hands about to do?! jk)

... all the way to harrassed Henks!


I'm sure we've all been at a party when a die has been required; so naturally Leith (of Celebrity Geek Match fame) set about to programatically create the solution! Meanwhile Rosa, Lucy and Francine went off to harass neighbours and before long found a willing donor in "wifey-poo"!


Ben, Bart and Geoff

Oh! Look who it is :p

Rosa didn't quite have what it took; Geoff's new-found friend.

Where there's a Rosa, there're crazy party games!

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