
Feb 2010 21

Day 7: Helper

Today, for once, I wasn't travelling. Woke up to a knock on the door; Mark and Courtney had come over to invite me to breakfast. A bit of snow had fallen overnight, but only an inch or so. Helper looked very pretty with its fresh dusting. Breakfast was a fairly drawn out affair and Courtney made me a plate-sized inch-thick pancake, which kept me going for most of the day!

By lunchtime I had finished most of the pancake and was ready to start railfanning. I went down to the railway yard to see what was happening, and as it turned out a big UP manifest had just arrived. As I watched they uncoupled the first 2 locos and put them to one side, then uncoupled the remaining 3 locos and put them in a siding and reattached the first 2 locos back on the train. Obviously the 3 locos had been an extra helper set added before its journey over Soldier Summit.

Large line up of locos in the Helper yard, the Book Cliffs clearly visible behind. Ma...

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Feb 2010 20

Day 6: Wendover to Helper

A very snowy day today. Fantastic! The snow was gently falling as I went to bed last night, and when I woke in the morning there was a light dusting over the cars and buildings.

The beast, still filthy after yesterday's endeavours.

I packed the car and was soon on the road for the Bonneville Speed Flats. What a place (naturally). I cruised down the road a way, put the car in cruise control after a while.

Then suddenly I noticed there was water on 3 sides of the road… and the road just ended!

Click to enlarge and read the plaque.

Reading the plaque I was amused to note the same Donner Party that had (famously) got stuck on Donner Pass (and hence earning the pass its name) had also had troubles here crossing the salt flats. Seems that once things dry out the Bureau of Land M...

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Feb 2010 19

Day 5: Winnemucca to Wendover

Good morning Nevada. Fairly patchy cloud this morning, weather definitely deteriorating as I head East. Was soon on the road and heading for the Utah border. Called in at Paliside Canyon where you can get a reasonable view of the trains, but passed one just as I was coming in and then didn't see any more.

Look cold? There were large frozen ponds down there and a cool breeze blowing. Didn't hang around long; even if a train had come along the lighting wasn't being very cooperative.

Next stop was… can't remember… but I only wanted petrol. Saw a fairly serious trailer on a ute though…

Continued on my way and passed a number of huge industrial sites. One made mining lubricants, another appeared to be a steel mill, and another was a power station, all way out in the middle of the desert, miles from anywhere.

As I drove I came across a BNSF trackage rights ...

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Feb 2010 18

Day 4: Reno to Winnemucca

You know when you hit Nevada for two reasons. 1) CASINOS EVERYWHERE. 2) The roads suddenly improve, and the speed limit is 75mph. Had an emergency repair job to a website to do in Reno, lucky I found a fee wifi network as soon as I opened my laptop. Bought some chains and sub-zero wiper fluid, just in case. Then on I went.

Stopped at some god-forsaken town, Lovelock if I remember, but I'd have to check the receipt. It's… not as romantic as it sounds. The petrol station toilet was just like in the movies.

    ""Discount Furniture" read the sign in the window / Casino next to the supermarket. Note what Nevadans like to drive.

But here things suddenly got interesting. That grain train I'd seen at Donner Pass? Well guess who I bumped into again!

  (#3 could almost be NZ)


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Feb 2010 18

Day 4: Donner Pass to Reno

Early start today… early as in 4am NZ time early! Tahoe is pretty cold at the hour of the morning, but i wrapped up warm and was soon on my way. For the curious… here is what $29 buys you…

Not shown is the heater that would probably shoot flames on the highest setting, and the nicer-than-home bathroom.

Was soon on the road and heading for Truckee… yes I had a plan in my head. Drove through some amazing fog on the way, according to the car it was about –2 to -3°C outside. The frost was just amazing…

Frost on the barbed wire / Looking across the fields

Truckee was similarly cloaked, only colder. Parked in "the only free parking spot in town" which just so happened to be right outside the train depot and had a good nosey around. Couldn't see much on account of the fog, but got some shots of the snow fighting ...

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